Archbishopric of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church
Website dedicated to the profile and work of an Archbishop who fought for the truth of Christ.
Information on the Roman Catholic Traditional Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church - Latin Rite - SSEP [sui juris] dedicated to Christ the King.

The sermons and catechesis were part of his pastoral activity. Working with the little ones and caring for the elderly (some of them in a state of agony) caring for the disabled. In addition, she painted the church on Saturday night to surprise the faithful who gather for the Eucharistic liturgy on Sunday morning.
His pastoral work was received not only with a lack of understanding, but also with hostility and rejection by some Polish and Spanish hierarchs. He was publicly rejected because of an announcement informing that he is not a bishop of the Roman Church. Well, in his life, as he could, he served Christ in His Church, according to old rules, not new ones (Catholic tradition against modernism).
His authority as Archbishop was confirmed not only by the people healed by him, thanks to the grace of God's power, but also by the repeated words of the prophecies about people. He forgave, in his spirit, those who had harmed him, and asked for justice which came to the wrongdoers in the least expected time of his life.
The public accusations made that all his rights were violated, not only as a Successor of the Apostles, but also as a common man.
At the age of 14, the Lord spoke to him with spiritual joy, telling him that, in the future, he would become an Archbishop and that he would restore His Church, but that he would not avoid the bites of snakes and wolves, that is, people who would call themselves servants of God, but were not believers and had a different view of pastoral work in general.
For more than 20 years he has been studying spirituality, different beliefs, teachings and religious groups. As a man fell, as a servant of God, he rose by the grace of God. The world of sin, lies, decay and degeneration, hatred and contempt became well known to him. By doubting, he had hope and trusted in the mercy of God, and by correcting his own evil, his spiritual strength grew.
He loved but was rejected, he sacrificed but was used, he helped but was ridiculed, he fought for justice, but hardly anyone understood and ignored him, the others said that it was God's will.
Unjustified accusations and slanders haunted him like a shadow. In the minds of his persecutors, priests and bishops, the warning of the Gospel, «do not judge that you will not be judged, ceased to exist».
He always repeated that life goes around and justice will come to the wrongdoers in rags because it too is persecuted and unwelcome.
He went away to be quiet, but not to live in silence, but to live. He went away and left the fighters for honour and glory, because all this will be useless where we all Will wait for the verdict on eternal life.
He left, but not forever. The time for reflection slowly began to end. Trusting in the expectation of hearing his voice once again, singing "Gloria in Excelsis Deo".
The Traditional Roman Catholic Society of the Holy Fathers of the Archbishop's Church, dedicated to Christ the King - "Sanctorum Ecclesiae Patrum" is a religious congregation which, according to canon 707 of the Code of Canon Law, also called the Pius-Benedictine Code, has been established as a pious society to ease the performance of works of worship, love and devotion, which have always been approved by the Church. Therefore, it is open to the Catholic faithful, the clergy, the faithful with or without private vows, married or single. The Society is a kind of guardian of the traditional Catholic faith, predestined to stand out above all that exists. This is how our Founder gave us to understand it.
The priests and consecrated persons of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church are protected by it and are its permanent collaborators. Those who have taken vows, as well as those who live in a secular state and who are not collaborators of the Society are also protected In Pectore by the Archbishopric.
It was founded on 24th July 2007 to give God, together with the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin, the glory that is due to Him; and it is presented during this period of disorientation as a way to persevere in absolute fidelity to the deposit of faith revealed by God and approved by the infallible Magisterium of the Catholic Church until 9th October 1958.
The aim of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church is to spread devotion to our Patrons, the Blessed Virgin, especially under the invocation of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph, St. Peter and St. Paul the Apostle, St. John of God, St. John the Baptist. John the Evangelist, promoting a good doctrine with special emphasis on contemporary theological problems and the consequent fight against heresies opposed to the Catholic faith; the intellectual, spiritual and disciplinary formation of the clergy; the practice of works of mercy, both spiritual and physical.
The formation of young people in all aspects.
The spirit of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church is summarised in the motto: Glory to God, defence of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin - even at the cost of death, fidelity to the Church, Holiness for us, Mercy for our neighbour, fight against heresies.
The members of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church are priests, lay and consecrated, internal and external helpers of the Society, married and living without marriage, who wish to remain faithful and obedient to the Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, founded by our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the legitimate successors He has appointed.
The Society is not open to all ordinary believers, not involved in the life of the Society, who wish to obtain only spiritual and sacramental goods. There are other institutes that are willing to respond to their needs.
The priests of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church celebrate Mass according to the dispositions of the Missal proclaimed by St. Pius V and reformed by St. Pius X. The sacraments and the breviary are celebrated in the same way. The liturgical reforms undertaken by H.H. Pius XII since 1948 are not accepted, in this sense we use epikeia according to our conscience.
Lay priests who do not live in community can belong to the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church (they are economically independent, live from their own income, scholarships, or chaplains, etc.). The appointment of a bursar of the Society guarantees a fair payment for the economically less privileged priests. We are guided by the Statute of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, approved and revised by Bishop Leopold Eijo y Garay in 1941, and finally approved by the Holy See in 1950; written in six short documents: ordinances, regulations, order, customs, spirit and ceremony.
Corrected and adapted by our beloved Founder, it has especially developed and enriched the characteristics and regular and not secular customs (which is what they contained) and a series of prohibitions that are summarized in Canon 140 of Canon Law: "They shall not take part in shows in which the dignity of the priesthood is called into question, nor in those in which the presence of the clergy may cause a scandal, especially on public stages". Bishops are exempt from this canon.
Priests who wish to become members of the Society of the Holy Fathers of the Church must have at least a university degree in any subject, before or after the ordination. For ecclesiastical studies, the Society uses the Ratio Estudiorum of 1942, used in all the Seminaries of the Spanish Council until 1958.
Priests must wear black cassock and white collar (Roman collar, Roman cassock cut, black socks for clergy and purple for bishops and black shoes with silver buckle).
Seminarians and monks wear a black cassock belt. It is also possible to wear black hats and a biretta voucher. It is forbidden to combine ecclesiastical and secular clothing.
Consecrated persons who collaborate with the Society are completely autonomous in all respects, and the highest authority among them is held by the Prior or Mother Superior.
However, the Archbishopric may intervene against the Chapter or the Priory in the cases provided for by Canon Law. Consecrated persons are collaborators through prayer, manual work, making decorations, care of the sick, etc. They are protected In Pectore directly by the Archbishopric.
The faithful collaborators and sympathizers who work for the benefit of the Society can take part in liturgical activities in chapels or semi-private churches.
The Society organises spiritual schools and oratories to deepen the faith and the values of Christian life.
With our work and prayer we fight for the social reign of Christ the King.